Mita ParsPooyesh
Providing convenient and fast internet access while respecting responsible behavior by users is the need for any organization and institution that has clients outside its organization. Having a secure structure in any organization is necessary and essential. In this regard, ParsPooyesh Fanavar Company designed, presented, and implemented the Mita solution to meet the organization's vital needs. Mita, as an integrated, simple, beautiful, and at the same time, highly personalized solution, allows all users to connect freely to the organization's network. With the ability to register users online and flexible architecture, this system can provide everyone with a different experience of a secure connection to the organization's network while registering network users' information and providing network security.
Mita is a suitable solution by ParsPooyesh Company for hotels, hospitals, universities, restaurants, conferences, exhibitions, operators providing internet services in public environments, or any organization and institution that wants to access the Internet or provide various advertising, organizational, entertainment and ... services to users who experience their first connection to the network.